Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tate, Tate and Tate!

So finally Tate is potty trained......I think! I realize there will be an accident here are there, but he is really doing well! So yesterday was a crazy day, Tate was on a roll of causing laughs. He loves to wear his PJ's all day. It is so hard to get him to change. Well As of Yesterday he tries to wear as many pj's as possible. He had three pairs of bottoms on and I chose not to fight this battle.

So now that Tate is potty trained he is very interested in his little boy part. Today he asked me if I had a "pee pee", (I really don't know what I should call it?", Anyways I said no. He told me I did and I told him again that only boys do. He did not believe me and said he wanted to see. Then he proceeded to try to pull my pant down. We then had our first discussion on private parts. I really don't know if he even understood what I was saying. But I tried my best.

Well poor Matt got stuck in a dilemma with Tate at the end of the day. I maybe shouldn't even share this one, but sorry it sort of is funny. So Matt took Tate to get some food at an "UNNAMED" food joint. As Matt was Paying Tate said he really had to go to potty and took off around the corner towards the bathroom. Matt hurried and payed and tried to go after him. By then Tate was already in the bathroom.......... but, not the men's. Matt then knocked on the women's bathroom and yelled out to ask if Tate was in there. No one answered except for Tate, so Matt opened the door. Tate said, "Daddy I peed on the floor". Poor Tate had tried to go in the toilet, but the toilet was too high for him and he totally missed. Matt did not know what to do, so in a panicked he ran in pulled Tates pants up and ran out of the bathroom. You will have to ask him personally if he informed anyone of the mess!!!

Watch your step in the women's bathroom!!!

To be continued.... continues

So it has been almost two years since I stopped mid sentence of my last post and write, "to be continued". So let's get back t...