With that being said, the Snow clan has had several events planned this year. We had our cruise, a wedding, reunion and most recent Matt's parents 50th anniversary. This was a great honor to be involved in as I have great respect for both of Matt's parents. I am so lucky to have them as my second parents. Matt's dad is the funniest man and such a fun grandpa. Matt's mom would do anything for her family and both her and her husbands life is revolved around serving their children and grandchildren. They are full of so much love and support.
Everyone was given a responsibility for the 50th. I was asked to draw a portrait of the in-laws in their younger years, with the temple in the background. I am so rusty right now and it gets very frustrating only being able to draw once a year if even that. After many pencils being thrown and piles of eraser dust accumulating on the floor, I finished my masterpiece. I shouldn't even show you the pictures I worked from because the drawing probably doesn't fit them exactly. Of course I have an excuse though. I had to work from 4 pictures of Matt's mom because of how I set the picture up. Also the wedding picture provided was not the best pose to work off of as well as it wasn't all that clear. This made it very difficult. I was so relived to have it over. But being I don't get to draw like I once did, I was still somewhat happy with the results. Here are some of the pics I worked from and the final portrait.
Before the event began we did a mega family picture. We got almost everyone there. This is quite a miracle when you know the size of family Matt is in. There are 8 children all whom are married and have children themselves. There is even great children now. I know there is well over 30 grandchildren and great grandchildren. We were also able to get some pics of Matt, I and the kids.
Matt emceed the program and did a wonderful job. All of Matt's siblings created the perfect 50th anniversary celebration. The decorations were awesome, the food was delicious and there was a wonderful slide show created from the "millions" of pictures Matt's mom had taken. I am not joking when I say millions of pictures. She is the picture queen, although it is obvious we couldn't fit all of them in a slide show.
Happy 50th Claude and Coleen !!!