Sunday, July 5, 2009

Yanni Voices in Concert

I love blogging. I really do. Recently I was given two tickets and backstage passes to the Yanni Voices concert. For those of you who follow my other blog I am sure you heard all about it. It was awesome. I took my sister with me knowing Matt wouldn't appreciate it as much as she would. They had the most amazing violinist there.

Afterwards we got to go back stage and meet the singers. One was even a BYU graduate. It was so fun and I was so glad to be able to spend the evening with my sister.

Mommies Little Girl!

Isn't he adorable....

Being a parent you get really excited over every thing your child accomplishes. Tate recently made it through his first year of pre-school. Even though he has one more year left he and the other students took part in the pre-school graduation. Matt and I were really excited to attend the event and see Tate sing with all his classmates. I had also taken the time to work with Tate and help him memorize his one line for the his program.

The day arrived and we got him all dressed up. We even invited Grandma and Grandpa. Below you can judge for yourself if we expected too much from our little guy....

Tate was not a happy camper as you can see. I finally just decided instead of snapping the best picture I would try to take the worst possible picture ever. It wasn't all that hard. Tate didn't even budge out of his seat except for when his teacher came to give him his graduation cap.

Let's just say my adorable little boy has mommies attitude. We did however get a nice picture of Tate and his teacher. he really did love his teacher. She was awesome!

Maybe next year...

To be continued.... continues

So it has been almost two years since I stopped mid sentence of my last post and write, "to be continued". So let's get back t...