Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Coming Soon!

Recently Matt and I took a much needed vacation with his family and NO KIDS! It was so awesome. As you can see with my last couple of post I am really behind. I don't even have Easter up yet. I hope to get some pics and stories up for you by next week. Maybe sooner. I have a feeling I may get even more behind as summer gets closer. I can't believe how much we have going on. Ugh! This is why our vacation was so awesome and much needed. In the mean time I am catching up with everything that was left behind waiting to get done. So until then know their is so much more to come.

Oh ya... and I went on my first official dive in the ocean. I got to be honest, I sort of whimped out of my first dive which would have been awesome. But swimming in tunnels 100 feet sort of freaked me out. But I did I did go on the next one and i have to say that is an accomplishment for me.

Addie's All Girl!

It shocks me how kids sort of just take on their own traits. Everyday Addie is always bringing me what she wants to wear. For a while it was always shoes and a beautiful coat. She recently got a tutu to review from TutuPosh Boutique and loves to put it on and dance around the house. She is so funny and ALL GIRL!

To be continued.... continues

So it has been almost two years since I stopped mid sentence of my last post and write, "to be continued". So let's get back t...