Tuesday, December 18, 2007

We're a little worried....

So the other day we went to play games at my brothers house and brought Tate and Addie. Tate was stuck playing with a bunch of girls and by the end of the night Tate was walking around with nothing but a diaper, some girly boots, and a gold purse. To top that off he kept saying, "Santa's CUTE!". We were a little worried. Actually I am just glad I got a picture to hang on to just in case Tate needs some whippin into shape for acting up as a teenager.... (Matt is going to kill me for posting this, so mums the word)

1 comment:

Mindy said...

aack ur kid is cute

To be continued.... continues

So it has been almost two years since I stopped mid sentence of my last post and write, "to be continued". So let's get back t...