Kara and I
The Swim
The Bike
Kara at the finish line
The Run. (I figured my legs looked allot better than my facial expression. So here's to a better view.)
Me being so happy!
So the day finally came for me to do the triathlon. Of course I couldn't sleep much the night before. You'd think it was the night before Christmas or something! Anyway all through the night before it rained. All the day of the triathlon.....It rained!
I always imagined it being warm with the sun shinning down on me and just a little breeze on my face. Oh no, it was wet, cold and there was far more then a breeze on my face. I am sure for the crowd it was like watching a bunch of drenched sewer rats running along the street. Yet, it was still awesome.
Before we got started I was sure Matt wouldn't come. I told him to not worry about it because it would be too cold and wet for the kids. Yet he surprised me and came anyway. I was so excited when I saw Matt, his parents and my kids walk in and stand by the pool to cheer me on. I seriously really appreciated Matt's parents coming all the way from Bountiful, just to sit in such cold weather and watch the race. They are so thoughtful and supportive. It meant so much to me to have some family and support.
So lets start with the swim. My friend and I went on Wed. to practice and my fear for the water totally came back. I was basically freaking out and didn't even know if I would be able to make 2 laps the day of the race. I knew I could, but my nerves were totally taking over. Plus I really am not a fan of swimming with no life jacket. Well the day of the race something new took over, probably excitement, and I totally swam the 300 meters without even stopping! It was so awesome! I even passed a few people.
The bike part went great as well, except for I have no rain proof jacket so I wore some cotton jacket (not the best idea). Even before I finished my first lap I was soaked. I made it through though. Since you go a little faster on the bike the rain felt like hail as it hit you. I was almost wondering if it was snowing it hit so hard. I made it though with not much of a problem except I was freezing.
When I got to transition for the run I decided to shed the drenched jacket and basically run in nothing.... Just kidding. It felt like nothing though. I wore my cute little shorts and top that I swam in. BY the time I got off my bike I literally felt nothing. Running in wet shoes was like running with cement shoes. I didn't know if I would even be able to walk. I started to jog though and eventually I told myself, "Why stop jogging? If you can't feel anything what does it matter!".
It was so awesome getting to the finish line and seeing Matt and Tate waiting for me.
As for my friend, she did awesome. She is an excellent swimmer and was totally passing a ton of people. She is way more athletic then I and she finished with no problem. Well, other then the loss of feeling in her hands and legs as well. Poor girl was so cold her lips were purple the whole drive home. Well I am so glad I found such a great friend,motivator and partner to do triathlons with. Kara your awesome. Can't wait for our next race and lucky us, it's in November...
So proud of you! Way to overcome your fears and just do it!
NICE LEGS! You are seriously buff! Way to go! I don't think I would ever even have the guts to try so I'm proud of you! Shellie
Good for you finishing the race, well starting it for that matter. I have always wanted to do a triathlon, I have the swimming down, but for some reason the bike scares me. I guess not having control of it makes me crazy. Plus I have fallen off bikes many a times, thus the fear has been instilled!
I also have to say, NICE LEGS! Wow. I don't even think when I was in the best shape, swimming four hours a day, my legs never looked that nice and buff. Good work!
If you do any more triathlons let me know, maybe I'll conquer my fears of the bike once and for all.
what to go Tasha! You are awesome! And you look awesome too! You are my hero :)
You are my hero! That is so awesome that you did it! Way to go!!
Good job Tasha! Now you need to get Matt a road bike!
tasha you are so awesome!!! i am so proud of you. i want to be like you. next year when i get my bike i want to do one with you! and i am so glad the swimming went well. i will try to help you too! way to go!
good job tash! i didn't even know the race was this weekend when we called you guys yesterday. sorry about that. i can't beleive you did a triathalon, and especially in the rain. it was raining hard! anyway, that is some motivation right there. i should do one with you. hey, mike wants to get a team and run the wasatch back. we should join it. anyway, we'll have to talk about that later.
wow-that is amazing. good job.
Way to go! Seriously, I think that is so awesome that you did that! Good job!
What a woman! Way to go!!! And thanks for entering my giveaway on 'fun snacks for kids'.
Tasha, I am so proud of you. I am so sorry I didnt come. I was sick in bed with three kids. Nate was hunting and awww it was just a bad bad day. I am sooo sorry I was not there to support you. Let me know when the next one is for sure k! good job Tasha
That is awesome. I knew that you were starting to bike but I had no idea that you were doing a triathlon. That is awesome. Ryan has done two I think and like 4 marathons. You guys are a lot more dedicated than I am. Good job Tash!
Congratulations Tasha! What an awesome achievement. Not only did you get out there, overcome your swimming phobia AND finish the race, but you did it in such awful conditions. I'm impressed :-)
That's awesome Tasha, you have totally inspired me
You look amazing and I am so proud to call you my buff friend.
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