This is obviously way overdue however this was one of favorite things this last year. In September we celebrated Addie's birthday. I have tried to throw a special birthday for each of my kids once they turn three since they are starting to understand a little more about what's going on. From there we have a large birthday every 3-4 years.
Since this was Addie's first birthday party I went all out. Addie decided she wanted a princess birthday party and face painting was a must! We invited Addies friends in the neighborhood and I began to create a princess atmosphere in my home.
Everything started coming together and my art buddy was willing to face paint at the party. Then a couple of days before the party one of my cute neighbors offered to come as Snow White. I told Addie that a special guest would be coming to the party and she was so excited to find out who it would be.
I was so excited to see my Friend Kara (The Face Painter and artist) get all dressed up for her part as the princess face painter. After seeing her I decided I better get dressed up for Addie's Birthday Ball as well. So I ran in my room and squeezed into my wedding dress. Yes, I am sort of a dork, but Addie loved having her mom dressed up as a princess and I have to admit that I sort of enjoyed playing the part of a princess as well.
All of Addies Friends began to show up in their princess attire. They were first led to the kitchen to make crowns. After there crowns were made the girls got to visit the official "Princess Make-up Artist", Kara. She did a wonderful job face painting. I was able to do a couple of faces as well since she had more than enough work for her.
After face painting the girls got to get a picture taken at the carriage. They were all so cute!
At this time I asked the girls "what does every Princess need to have with her at the ball"? It took them a while to get the answer, but eventually someone said a prince. This is when I said i couldn't find a prince, but I had a frog they could all kiss. We then played "Kiss the Frog" which was basically like Pin the Tail on the Donkey.
This was when the Special Guest arrived, "Snow White". I have never seen such a perfect Snow White. My neighbor was seriusly better than the Snow White at Disneyland. She came in with an Apple and Birthday card to present to Addie. The kids then gathered around for a story.... Now for the best part. Snow White then took the girls to the back yard and gathered them around the fire pit which she called the "Wishing Well". Each girl was given a coin and told that they were to make a wish. Before they made a wish they all sang with Snow White her song "I'm Wishing". It was so darn cute! I was so bummed I didn't have my video camera, but I was able to get the end of the song recorded. MIchelle, you are the best!
After the song the girls each made a wish and threw their coin into the wishing well.
So just when you think the party is over.... it's not. Each girl got to have their picture taken with Snow White. Snow White then said her goodbyes and we ate cake and ice cream. Mission was accomplished and everyone had a blast!
Thanks to everyone who helped make the party a success. There were so many mom who helped out. Once again, "I have some of the greatest friends and neighbors"!
You continue to amaze me with your talents! Cardboard castle cool!
It's not really Jake I just can't figure out how to change after setting up his blog for his mission.
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